GoldWave Open Source Goal

We have concluded that we would not achieve our Open Source funding goal for GoldWave. We have decided to refunded all contributions to be fair to everyone that supported our goal. Thank you for your generosity!

Limited edition GoldWave licenses are still available here.

Ruby License

The Ruby NFT is the only option to make GoldWave open source. However we will consider similar private offers.

Over the past year we have removed GoldWave from the Apple Store, Microsoft Store. Without all of these different platforms to support, we can once again focus on GoldWave itself. We will put that needless, duplicated effort into more productive things.

To any new developers just starting out, we strongly recommend avoiding the App Store paradigm. App Stores entrench control by a small number of very large corporations. They impose barriers between you and your customers. They direct all traffic to their websites, often highlighting competitors on your product's page. These drawbacks (along with many others) are profoundly detrimental to any small company's long term success.

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