
Use Dynamics to alter the amplitude mapping of the selection. It can limit, compress, or expand a range of amplitudes. The amplitude mapping is set using Shape Controls, where x-axis and y-axis both have a range of -1 to 1. When the line stretches diagonally from the lower left corner to the upper right corner, the input amplitude (x) and output amplitude (y) are the same for every point on the line. By changing the line, the output will differ from the input.

Figure: Dynamics

The figure above shows an example of amplitude mapping for clipping distortion. Point P1 has an input value of -0.4 and an output value of -0.4. Therefore no change occurs to the amplitude. Point P2 on the other hand, has an input value of 0.8 and an output value of 0.5. In this example, all input amplitudes in the range of -0.5 to 0.5 remain unchanged. Any values outside this range will be limited to ±0.5, so that the final sound will have no amplitude magnitudes greater than 0.5. Essentially, any values that are too high are "clipped" to fit within the range.

In practical terms, dynamics can increase the volume of quiet sections of a sound without greatly increasing the loud sections as well. It can introduce mild or heavy distortion effects (such as the "Blare" or "Hiss noise" preset).

See Also: Auto Gain, Compressor/Expander, Presets