Effect Chain Editor

Effect Chain Editor in the Tool menu.

Use the Effect Chain Editor tool to chain together a number of effects so they are all processed at once. There are many advantages to using chains, such as:

The left window is a tree list showing all the effect plug-in modules, with the GoldWave branch expanded initially. Only effects that can be chained are listed. Effects requiring special access to the audio data (like scans) or ones that are time based cannot be chained.

You can drag-and-drop effects to the right "chain list" window or select an effect and choose the Add button. Effects are always added to the end of the chain list. Expand the branch of other listed modules to use effects in those plug-ins.

Use the Remove Last button to remove an effect from the chain list. Note that only the last effect in the list can be removed. An effect in the middle of the list cannot be removed unless all effects below it are removed first. Use the Remove All button to remove all effects in the chain list.

When an effect is added to the chain list, it appears as a button. Use the button to change settings for that effect. Settings can be changed while previewing the audio.

When you have finished creating the chain, use the Presets controls near the bottom of the Effect Chain Editor window to save the entire chain as a single preset.