VideoMeld Frequently Asked Questions
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What is VideoMeld?
- VideoMeld is a complete video and audio editor and effects program. VideoMeld
takes advantage of all the latest technology, including multiple processors, accelerated video
effects, new file formats, and much more. It combines powerful, multitrack video and audio file mixing
with a fast and easy-to-use interface and dynamic effect settings.
Where can I get the latest version?
- The latest version of VideoMeld is available on the
VideoMeld download page.
What are the system requirements?
- VideoMeld requires Windows 7 or later.
How do I update VideoMeld?
- To update, download the
self-installing file and run it. Install it into your existing
VideoMeld folder to replace the older version.
Is VideoMeld available on CD or in stores?
- The software is available by
only. The file is under
10MB and takes only a few minutes download. Although you are welcome to make a backup copy on
a CD, you can always download a copy from the website when needed. Since there
is no real advantage to providing a CD, that option is
not offered.
Is VideoMeld free?
- Yes. The free version is limited to melding files of 5 minutes or less and it adds
"Edited using VideoMeld" text to the video. A license is required to remove the meld limit and text.
How do I remove the "Edited using VideoMeld" text?
- You'll need to buy a license and enter it into the program. See details in the next question.
How do I buy VideoMeld and how much does it cost?
- Licenses may be purchased on the Buy Now page.
The cost
depends on the duration of the license. A license removes all limitations from the free version and does not
add any text to the video. If you buy a Lifetime license, then the license never expires. All other licenses
expire after their respective duration and the program reverts back to the limited free version.
Is phone support available or can I buy by phone?
- Sorry, GoldWave Inc. currently does not provide phone support/purchasing.
For support options, see the Support page.
For purchasing options, see the Purchase page.
How does VideoMeld compare with GoldWave?
- VideoMeld is designed for arranging and combining many audio/video
files into a single file. GoldWave is designed for detailed work
on individual audio files.
Capability | GW | VM |
Detailed editing of individual sound files |  |  |
Easy mixing, cross-fading, and sequencing of many files |  |  |
Audio restoration and noise reduction |  | 1/2 |
Large number of included audio effects |  |  |
Dynamic volume control |  |  |
Dynamic effect settings |  |  |
Video playback, editing, sequencing, and mixing |  |  |
CD audio extraction |  |  |
Real-time visuals |  |  |
Real-time effects and editing |  |  |
Drag-and-drop editing |  |  |
Independent left and right channel editing |  |  |
Batch format conversions |  |  |
Cue points with large file splitting |  |  |
Vocal cancellation effect |  |  |
CD Burning |  |  |
DVD Authoring |  |  |
Where can I find a tutorial or demonstration?
- Tutorials are available on YouTube on the VideoMeld channel.
Where can I find more help?
- Most of the commands in VideoMeld include a Help button.
You can use the Help | Contents menu command to find
additional information. Also check
the forums.
How do I install VideoMeld?
- Simply download the self-installing file
and run it. It will ask you where to install VideoMeld and whether
or not to create shortcuts and menu items.
Note that administrator privileges may be required on some
configurations of Windows to run installation.
How do I uninstall VideoMeld?
- Use "Uninstall a Program" or "Programs and Features" under the Windows Control Panel
then select the VideoMeld and choose the Remove button.
Where do I enter my license?
- You'll need to run VideoMeld then choose the glowing red/orange button in the status bar to
enter your license.
Purchase & License
What is a license?
- A license is similar to an activation code that unlocks the evaluation
version and removes the "Edited using VideoMeld" banner and the 5 minute melding limit. A Lifetime license never
expires and works in future versions, giving you free upgrades. A Year based license
expires after the number of year specified, then a new license is required to continue using the program wihtout
evaluation limits.
Internet access is not required (or used) for activation and the license is not
tied to a specific computer.
All license information must be kept confidential. If a license becomes
public, it will be revoked by GoldWave Inc. and will not
be replaced.
How do I get a license?
- You can buy a license online. Please see the
Buy Now page for details.
Warning! Licenses are not sold on eBay. Any eBay listings
are unauthorized. Also avoid any sites selling a discount or OEM
license for VideoMeld because there is no such thing. Such sites are
selling pirated software and the license you (may) receive will not work in
future versions of the program.
Can I use the same license on two computers?
- If you are the only one using the software, then you can install VideoMeld on both computers
(such as a desktop and a laptop) and use the same license on each. If two people may
be using the software at the same time, then separate licenses are required for each computer.
- Do I need a PayPal account to buy a license?
- No, you can still buy through PayPal using a credit card without a PayPal account. Look for and choose the link
to continue without an account on the PayPal page.
Why is the audio or video missing when I add a video file that
contains audio?
- VideoMeld adds audio and video in separate sections. Usually the
video is added to one track and the audio is added to a different
track, just below the video. If a file contains both audio and
video, but only one appears, VideoMeld may not be able decode
the contents of the file because the system does not contain the
required decoders. You may need to use other software to convert
the video to a format that VideoMeld can open.
Why does audio and video synchronization drift off?
- Variable bitrate encoded video files are virtually impossible to
synchronize accurately. Use constant bitrate encoding when capturing video files
or convert existing files to a constant bitrate before adding them to a VideoMeld project.
Use the Decode Audio To Wave File... button in the Section Settings for the audio section to decode variable
bitrate audio to a constant bitrate. Also refer to "Synchronization" in the
help for more information.
Why is video playback or previewing slow?
VideoMeld requires a lot of memory and accelerated hardware to run efficiently, but there are other reasons why previewing
may be slow. Potential solutions are given below.
- Restart your computer to free up memory.
- Make sure all videos are stored on the computer's local hard drive. If files are
on a flash drive, an external drive, or a network drive, that will slow access down.
- Defragment your hard drive (search Windows Help for "defragment").
- Download and install the latest sound and display drivers from the manufacturer.
- Try turning off emulation (Options | Configure VideoMeld).