
Storage in the Options menu.

Storage Options configure folders, file storage, and undo levels. See the Storage Overview section for additional information.

Storage Settings
Storage Setting Description
Open sound folder Sets the initial folder to use when GoldWave starts when opening files. Open lists files in this folder.

Select Remember folder used last session to automatically store the last used folder when GoldWave closes.

Select Use current file's folder to use the folder of the currently opened and active file. If no files are opened, then the last used folder is used.

Select Always start with this folder and use the folder button to select a specific folder to use.

Clear Recent File List Removes the list of recently opened files from the File | Recent menu and the drop down menu on the Open toolbar button.
Save sound folder Sets the folder to use when saving a new file or using Save As or Save Selection As.

Select Use file's current folder or folder last used (for new files) to save the file in the same folder where it currently resides. For new files, the most recently used folder is used.

Select Always use this folder and use the folder button to select a specific folder to use.

Hard drive
Sets where GoldWave stores audio, as explained in the Storage Overview section.

Select Memory to store files in memory.

Select Hard drive to store files on the hard drive. A folder where the temporary files will be saved can be set. The folder should be located on a large, local hard drive with plenty of free space. Changing the folder does not affect opened files already in temporary storage.

Undo levels Sets the number of edits/changes that can be undone. A value of 5 means you can undo the five most recent changes performed on the file. A value of 0 means that you cannot undo any changes. Larger values use much more storage to hold the previous audio data. When using Memory storage, this should be set to a small value. Otherwise memory may be depleted quickly and system performance will degrade.
Allow undo after save Allows changes to be undone after a file is saved. Normally when a file is saved, the undo and redo history are cleared to release temporary storage and clear any ties to other files that may have been used when editing. If this option is checked, then temporary storage is not cleared and all ties remain so undo and redo can occur. Note that if a file is reloaded due to a format change (stereo to mono, for example), undo and redo are not permitted.
Cue points storage Use Automatically import and export separate cue file to automatically save or load cue points from a separate cue file when saving or opening a sound file. If you open a file named "music.mp3", cue points are imported from a "music.cue" file, if it exists. If you save a file named "music.mp3", cue points are saved in a "music.cue" file (overwriting any existing file). Automatic import and export is done only for file formats that cannot store cue point information internally. Cue files are not saved automatically for other file formats (such as .wav). Use the Cue Points tool to manually import or export a cue file.

When automatically exporting cue files, any existing cue file with the same name will be overwritten without notification!